Friday, February 01, 2013

Moving past the rebound is easier than I thought it would be

All it takes is a little realization with a broken wrist to either make you forget about the rebound or make you remember why you needed a rebound. The reason why was more of a man than the rebound was, any day, and that's saying something.

A new distraction will do the job as well which has definitely contributed. A little a attention from an honest, kind, attractive guy never hurt a girl.

As I recall 2012, I think of it more fondly now then ever. The letter and recent attempts have made me that way. I remember the good times (which can be hard in the bad times). I remember why I did what I did, accepted what I did, said and felt what I did. It may have all been not right for me but it was special. It was special. And I'm allowed to have that even if it ended badly.

The new distraction deserves more that the title distraction. He deserves loyalty. He deserves my honestly. And he deserves no drama. (How easily women get dramatic is ridiculous). He's a good person. And he comes from a great childhood of solid people. He's not a distraction. He's a development. He's hope.

I reflect fondly with hope. I reflect fondly with clarity yet sadness. I reflect fondly with sincerity. And I reflect fondly with welcomed kindness and peace.

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