Saturday, January 12, 2013

A letter can say a lot

I received a letter a few days ago from someone I've been trying to move on from.  Oddly, a few significant relationships in my life have ended or "resolved" with letters.  Long letters of lots of things that I needed to hear a long time ago.  I cried a lot when I received this letter.  I knew something like this was coming but what I wasn't prepared for was for it to be so genuine and so... words I never thought I'd hear.  It is too late but yet just in time for a piece of closure. 

I am definitely one of those people who can just step away from people, relationships, situations and never turn back.  But I am not one of those people that just lets go of those I care about.  It sucks.  It really sucks, especially when people turn their back on me.  I had a friend in college who I had a falling out with (and sadly for the life of me I can't remember why and honestly, it doesn't matter to me today).  We attempted to resolve years later and just never could do it.  My best friend told me that I'm never going to get what I'm looking for so why am I doing it.  I still care for this person.  Any way, back to the letter.  I have moved on and am looking for something else but this letter helped.  It helped me know, this person is going to be ok.  That they are already on their way to being ok and I had nothing to do with it.  I'm happy to hear this but sad because the letter was a reminder of who I loved.  It's easy to forget the good things when things go south so fast and this, was a reminder of the good.

So, I don't know really what to say or how to feel.  I suppose something a woman Betsy taught me was, I don't need to necessarily make sense out of everything.  Sometimes you should look at why all of these things are happening together and what THAT means.  Basically in one week, I've had the two recent past men in my life attempt to reach out.  What I know is, neither of them are right for me.  But it's sure nice to know they still think of me.  And it's sure nice to know that I can officially say what I want and deserve and it's more. 

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