Monday, February 11, 2013

Train and train hard

So training officially begins today!  I would be lying if I was disappointed that I couldn't do this how I wanted to.  I had all these grand plans of cross training, snowboarding, lifting, volleyball, yoga and ultimately, more running.

I literally bought new workout clothes, new headphones and starting committing to a new eating plan (I refuse to use the word diet based on how the world uses this world).  Then I broke my wrist.  Awesome.  Then I had surgery.  Super.  Then I wasn't allowed to work out.  Kill me now.  And then... the got my cast and that shit hurt.  WTF.  So a few days later I got back to it.  I swear people stare.  I just want to walk over and say, would you like to know what happened?  Do you think I'm crazy for working out?  Or do you just stare cause it's a pink cast and I'm an adult?  Either way, stop staring.  It is a CAST.  Not another limb.

So after a good first workout back last Friday, I have a renewed sense of awesomeness to go get at it.  Sunday, I treated myself to a bunch of new (yes affordable) workout clothes.  I think it's a little funny to think I wear workout clothes more than I wear jeans.  I spent the night, organizing my workout stuff, one of my oddly favorite pastimes.  I even made myself a great recovery soup. 

I always hate getting back into it.  At first, it's like, damn, I feel great.  Then you overdo it, cause how can you not, and now I hurt when I stand up.  I like being sore from lifting but from cardio... that's just sad.

I suppose in a few weeks I will treat myself to new shoes.  That was always the plan, I just haven't logged the last three weeks on my worn Brooks.  My unofficial coach recommends Newtons.  I like the look.  I always wanted flashy shoes if I was going to spend so much time in them.

Today was cross training.  Wednesday will be my first run with a cast.  I will be reporting back often.  Training for another marathon almost feels like starting over.  It will be important to keep motivated.  I want this time to feel different.  And it will.

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