Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It's been too long she says

Woh. A lot has happened since the last time I posted.  People got arrested, houses were sold and well, shit went down!  Okay, that's mildly dramatic but a lot of it's true. 

To recap. An opportunity passed, which is okay.  Another opportunity presented itself which has been great but likely short lived.  A few man opportunities presented themselves.  One was a wash.  No pun intended (wash... wash park, etc.).  I trusted my gut and I was right.  Another was a wine snob.  No, general snob.  Congrats, you've done well for yourself.  You know there is more to life then just telling people that right?  Another was, well, is around.  He's cool.  Unsure where it's going or if it's going.  It's okay.  It's fun.  Closing on my house on Thursday.  Completely gone, moved out.  Finito!  Now to find a new home in a horrible market.  Great.  I think I've finally shaken the stalker.  Almost 8 months worth.  It's sad really.  I would have never wished any of this upon anyone.  Wrist.  Completely healed.  Only remember it was broke when I realize my left arm is still not as strong as my right arm.  And when the weather changes my scar hurts.  Running apparently.  Marathon Relay was painful and the Steamboat Marathon in less than 2 weeks.  God help my legs.  They hurt just thinking about it.  Amanda's 30th in Vegas was, dare I say, Epic!  It was a blast.  Those who do not love Vegas I will never understand.  Do you not love fun?

I think that sums it up.  I'm left thinking of that lame quote, "life is not measured by the breathes we take but the moment that take our breathe away."  I definitely feel like the last two months have done that.

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