Thursday, July 14, 2016

Eating healthy sucks. There I said it!

Warning. Food rant blog spot ahead.

Eat healthy sucks. It does. For those of us that enjoy ethnic food, unless you are eating something uncommon, it's not healthy by any stretch of the imagination. Eating healthy is hard! It is a constant battle trying to keep fresh food in the house and eat it fast enough! I'm still trying to strike a balance with how much I have to go to the grocery store. Right now we don't eat our fresh food fast enough so I am thinking I'm buying too much.

It doesn't help that we are now officially tired of eating healthy. I wasn't going to say it but my sig other brought it up and I can't deny he's right. We have had breaks within the last month too so it's not like we have been perfect but those breaks haven't really done us good. I realize there has to be a balance. I realize we all fall off the horse and have to get back on. And I realize what we need to do.

But how do we go from eating healthy and hating it to eating healthy and actually enjoying it. We are trying new recipes. We are committed. We are eating more tasty fish. We are doing stuff! But let's face it, unless you plan to give up everything you love, it's not like your taste buds are going to change overnight. And what man loves veggies? Actually loves veggies? I'm not talking about the men that want to be perfect looking so of course they "love" veggies. Veggies is like my constant daily battle with myself and my sig other. I know the second we eat more of them, our bodies are immediately better. We immediately are going to lose weight, be healthier, etc. But for some reason, I struggle with preparing awesome veggies. I struggle with keeping it "fresh", no pun intended.

And let's not lie to ourselves and say a veggie burger is just as good as a fatting red meat burger. They are not even on the same playing field. You can't just replace your favorite foods with healthy foods and be good. It's not possible!

So as I sit here and drink my healthy shake (that btw, has taken me all morning to drink cause it sucks), I am annoyed. I am annoyed I have to figure out what to eat for lunch that hopefully doesn't suck. I'm annoyed that I have to be the driving force in my relationship to try to keep us eating healthy. Such is life. I know. No conclusion here but that I'll just continue to bang the drum and make healthier choices. It's not a diet. It's a life change and that doesn't happen over night.

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