Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Stop trying to make money off me.

Let me start by saying, this is not meant to be an MLM bashing post but it's likely going to turn into that. We are all entitled to our own opinions so please leave if you feel you may be offended.

I really USED to like Shakeology. I believed in the product and felt fine with the cost as long as I purchased it on Ebay. I have purchased it through coaches and I have also purchased a few of the exercise and nutrition programs.

I think Beachbody has done a great job as an MLM that really doesn't make you feel like an MLM. I felt like these products benefited my life versus skin stuff or oils or tupperware or jewelry or... etc. They were about my health! ...But I eventually came to my senses. MLMs do a great job of making people feel like business owners and provide support systems for both buyers and sellers. They also do a good job of brand marketing. What I'm not sold on is that you are making money off your friends. If these are truly the best products on the market, why are they not sold in stores. Now you can order some of this stuff on Amazon and online so those pieces are being addressed at a small level but the sales and marketing of these products are primarily driven by the sales people, also known as your friends and family.

Now after recently buying more Beachbody products from someone on my FB, I finally realized it's not for me. She caught me at a low point, I've read her story and wanted to support her. But that is not a reason to spend my hard earned money, in my opinion. Enough research has shown me that all the products I've bought from an MLM, I can actually find something better for a fraction of the cost. Yes... BETTER! AND CHEAPER! Yeah, it might not be super sexy and something everyone has heard of but what the f does that matter to us anyway? Also, yes, I will acknowledge you are supporting your friend or family member who is trying to make more money or assist a stay at home mom. There's something nice there, I get it. But I for me, your salary is not my responsibility and my charity money goes to non-profits not MLMs. Okay, off soap box.

Getting into my review of Beachbody, I think the workout programs are legit IF you have the willpower to workout at home. I am just not one of those people. I have tried and done it for weeks but then life happens and I fall out of the small habit I've created. The programs seem somewhat affordable and offer a lot of variety. They are fast, interesting and there are lots of modifications available. But spending money with the goal to change something in me doesn't work. Maybe for others it does? But not for me. Workouts for me are actually easy. I was using Beachbody as a way to try new workouts but ultimately they weren't my style.

Going into Shakeology, Ffr my benefit, I wanted to do a comparison with one of my protein powders in my cabinet with Shakeology.  I added another protein powder I'd like to try below as well. Here's a breakdown:

Shakeology Cafe Latte: Calories 150, Fat 2g (saturated fat 1 g & polyunsaturated fat 1g), Cholesterol 5mg, Sodium 0g, Potassium 0g, Carbs 18g (fiber 5g, sugar 7g), Protein 16g
Cost: $3.50/serving via Ebay (closer to $5 if you buy from a coach)
Flavor: Decent most of the time but requires additions

Spiru-tein: Calories 110, Fat & Cholesterol 0g, Sodium 140mg, Potassium 110mg, Carbs 5g (fiber 1g, sugar 10g, other carb 4g), Protein 14g
Cost: $1/serving
Flavor: Decent most of the time but requires additions

Vega All-In One: Calories 160, Fat 6, Cholesterol 0mg, Sodium 30g, Potassium 230g, Carbs 10g (fiber 6g, sugar <1g 20g="" p="" protein="">Cost: $2.20/serving
Flavor: Haven't tried it yet.

The funny thing is, I wish I had done more research over the years. I would have saved myself money. But I have done it now! The carb count alone makes this an easy change for me. Carbs are the devil FOR ME! Any way.

I'm going to work through my last bag of Shakeology. I am going to start trying all flavors of Spiru-tein. My one today was already a thousand times better tasting than Shakeology. I will likely still use my portion fix containers and book to guide my nutrition (Beachbody product). It's just an easy way to drive the right portions of the right foods. Workouts... I have that down. So overall, thanks Beachbody for starting me down a better path many years ago. I've graduated and now I'm moving on!

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